Charlotte Malterre-Barthes
13.03.2025, Lecture, Cornell University
07.02.2025, Lecture, Politecnico di Milano
03-14.02.25, Workshop MINDS, Politecnico di Milano
23.02.2025, Renovation Night, Pavillon de l'Arsenal/ENSA Paris Belleville
09.01.2025, Lecture, Roundabout, TU Berlin
04.12.2024, LUS Doctoral Crits HS24, ETHZ
28.09.24-05.01.25, Material Acts, Craft Contemporary, Los Angeles
23.11.2024, Keynote, Material Acts, USC
08.11.2024, Keynote, Aalto University Helsinki
10.09-03.11.2024, The Great Repair moves North, Form/Design Center, Malmö
29.10.2024, Wohnzimmer-gespräche with Mike Guyer, VOB/ETHZ
21.10.2024, Lecture, ETSAB, Barcelona
17.10.2024, Climate Future Symposium, Taubmann College, UniMich
11.09.2024, Lecture @Regine Leibinger, Harvard GSD
19.08.2024, (Too Much) Information Work, Roundtable, Kunsthalle Zürich
02.07.2024, Building Solidarity, Parity Board X Parity Front, TU Munich
26.06.2024, Perfect Memories, ZAZ Bellerive & ETHZ
19.06.2024, Der heutige Neubau ist unser zukünftiger Bestand, TU Wien
28.05.2024, Courage- Unbuilding, Reviews, ETHZ
16.05.24, Architectures en Transition, MAOP, Toulouse
07.03-05.05.24, La Grande Réparation, Pavillon de l'Arsenal, Paris
Transfer Video Award Winner 2023—Material World: "Iron Tail, Iron Tale", S. Grosman & E. Erez.
24.01.24, Transmission in Motion, Utrecht University
23.01.24, Ateliers Nocturnes, La Cambre-Horta, Bruxelles
20.10.23, Setting the Course, Harvard GSD
13.10.23-14.01.24, The Great Repair, Show at Akademie der Künste Berlin
Jury Member, Biennale Architettura 2025, Swiss Pavilion
02.10.2023, HEIA Fribourg
21-22.09.2023, Rez-de-Ville Conference, MIT
13.09.2023, Future of Construction, TU Münich
10.06.2023, Trienale Milano, ArchWeek
30.05.2023, Care Final Crits, ETHZ
25.05.2023, D'autres, École d’architecture Paris-Malaquais
22.05.2023, Repair, Sessions on Territory, ETHZ
16.05.2023, Material Worlds, MOMA
10.05.2023, Forms of Assembly, Crits, Harvard GSD
14.04.2013, Dénoter, Ecole Nationale d'Architecture de Marseille
11.04.2023, Assemble Again, Syracuse University
29.03.23, Inaugural Lecture, ENAC, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology EPFL
3.03.2023, 16th Congress of Portuguese Architects
02.02.2023, Habiter le Trouble, ENSA-Versailles, with Accattone
31.01.2023, UdK Tuesday, UdK Berlin
05.12.2022, Stories about Sustainability, Architectural Association
17.11.2022, Production Pedagogies, Central Saint Martins
17.11.2022, Patrimoine bâti et économie circulaire : territoire réduit / temps long, Uni Lausanne
29.09-05.12.22, Contributions to 'Terra,' Lisbon Architecture Triennale
15.10.2022, Inclusive Monuments? Preservation of Sex Cinemas, SexKino Roland, Zurich
08.10.2022, House Keeping, Curated Roundtable, Biennale Svizzera del Territorio, Lugano
03.10.2022, Talk at Advanced Studio V, GSAPP, NY
28.09.2022, Summit: Architecture Studio in the Anthropocene, MOMA
24.09.2022, Science et architecture : L’urgence, Académie des sciences, Paris
29.08-16.09, How To Do No Harm, CCA Montréal
08.09.2022, Architecture Open Days, Aarhus
14.06.2022, Lecture Series Horizonte, Bauhaus University Weimar
02.06.2022, 'Material World', HEAD Geneve
28.03.2022, Cambridge Talks:Dissertation Research Beyond the PhD, Harvard GSD
8.03.2022, Inclusive Marseille, Seminar Rez De Ville, ETSAB, Barcelona
03.03.3022, Manoeuvring Boundaries, the Cooper Union Student Lecture Series, NYC
02.12.2021, On Scales of Extraction, HSLU
15.11.2021, Euromed: Injustice by Design and by Law, Histories of Urban Design Conference
06.11.2021, Emerging Trends in Response to Critical Computation & Practice, ACADIA Conference
05.11.2021, Post-Carbon Material Practices, AA Visiting School
26.10.2021, A Strategic Practice of Urban Design, Hong Kong University
Fall 2021, 7 Questions on the Political Economy of Space, with Prof. De Vylder, ETHZ & GSD
16.09-31-10.2021, Scales of Extraction, Seoul Biennale
15.10.2021, The Devil's in the Details, TU Delft
10.11.2021, "Material World," Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna.
11.08.2021, Berlin Questions, Berlin.
29.06.2021, Un Moratoire sur les Constructions Neuves, Assembly of BSA, Fribourg
24.06.2021, Migrant Marseille, with M. Angélil, TU Delft
05.06.2021, 'Migrant Marseille' awarded, «Schönsten Deutschen Bücher» 2021
02.06.2021, Pivoting Practices: A Global Moratorium on New Construction, ETH Zurich
25.05.2021, Convergence of Forces: The Power of Collective Engagement, 17th Biennale
21.05.2021, Non-Extractive Architecture: On Designing without Depletion, Book Launch, V-A-C Zattere
08.05.2021, Kinship & Advocacy, Archipelago, HEAD
05.05.2021, Architecture, Law, Capability, ALICE, EPFL
23.04.2021, Stop Building?
31.03.2021, Urban Design for an Uncertain Future,
29.03.2021, M.Angélil, C.Malterre-Barthes, N.Memain, “Migrant Marseille,"
27.03.2021, Graphic Content: Drawing as Method.
16.03.2021, "Material World"
02.03.21,The Devil is in the Details.
16.12.2020, Final Crits, HOME, Studio Devylder, ETHZ
14.12.20, Integrated Urbanism Reviews, Daniels, University of Toronto
04.12.2020, "A Strategic Practice of Urban Design," FHNW Basel
12.11.2020, "Arable Lands, Lost Lands", ETH Zurich
21.10.2010, "Dismantling the Master's House." University of Sydney
Fall 2020, 'Migrant Marseille', Published, Ruby Press
16.08.2020,"A House for Climate Activists," Delphi
26.05.20, Studio Emerson, Critiques
05.05.20, 7 Questions with Jan de Vylder
26.03.20, Talk @LUS, ETHZ
Research + Teaching
Design Studios
Stop Building: The Case of Lausanne
A Moratorium on New Construction
Extreme Urbanism VI: An Urban Future for Ishkashim
Political Spaces
Inclusive Tangier
Inclusive Marseille
Inclusive Beirut
Cairo Desert Cities
Housing Cairo
Critical Thinking Seminars
Homes on Fields
Mapping the Political Economy of Space
Material World
Beyond Technofix
Critical Space
Food Territories
Strategic Practice
Urban Design Practice
Parity and Diversity Work
Curatorial Practice
12th International Architecture Biennale of São Paulo
8 Questions sur des Sujets Urbains
Erasing Singapore
Research Practice
Architecture of Extraction
The Broken Promise of Automation in Construction and How Feminist Tech Agendas Can Correct Course
A Global Moratorium on New Construction
Some Haunted Spaces in Singapore
Eileen Gray: A House under the Sun
Prostitution, Urban Space
On Architecture and the Greenfield, Hatje Canz, 2024
On Architecture and Greenwashing, Hatje Cantz, 2024
Frameworks for Curriculum Repair, with Dubravka Sekulic, ARCH+ 250-253, 2023
Arnold Arboretum Greenhouses with Raphi Tayvah, PAIRS, Harvard University Press, 2022
Immigration et ségrégation spatiale: L'exemple de Marseille, with al., Parenthéses, 2022.
New Rules, with Zosia Dzierżawska, Cartha N°6, June 2022
The Mediterranean does not exist, The Avery Review, Jan. 2022
An Architecture Without Extraction, with Zosia Dzierżawska, Architectural Review, Nov. 2021
The Devil is in the Details. in Non-Extractive Architecture, Ed. Space Caviar, Sternberg, 2021
Normalizing the Crisis? Notes on Online Teaching, trans 37 'Alien,' 2020.'
Eileen Gray: Une maison sous le soleil, Dargaud, 2020
Food for Thought and Justice, 2038
Migrant Marseille: Architectures of Social Segregation and Urban Inclusivity
Eileen Gray: A House under the Sun,
Some Haunted Spaces in Singapore,
Cairo Desert Cities,
Housing Cairo: The Informal Response
Tracés, "Une Ruralité en Recul," 2016
Inclusive Marseille