
Contemporary Interventions in a Transforming City: Sevilla

An international teaching team gathered for the second edition of the International joint Workshop ‘Urban Landscapes Operations: Fablabbing the river’ with the students of the University of Seville and the SS Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia, and the collaboration of the FabLab Seville. With the river as the main protagonist, the outcomes address environmental issues and public space uses while experimenting with form and materials:
‘CODE’ subverts a digital information media and transforms it into a floating device while leaving onshore its negative trace to alert and communicate with promeneurs, an ambitious and visually attractive intervention that questions access or lack of it, to information and modernity. ‘A Bath in the river’ is a provocative straight-forward intervention, placing a bathtub on a dynamic form floating-device, bringing to the fore the question of water quality of the river Guadalquivir. Presented with a tongue-in-cheek happening, the object attracted public attention and succeeded in addressing this touchy subject. ‘Molecules’ is a poetic floating device that works best at night when the LED sealed in organic, yet technologically produced tripod forms fleeting away on the water, embellish the river as a glowing necklace, a distant reference to lights on the Ganges.

2011, as OMNIBUS, in collaboration with Baum Arquitectura